
May 5, 2011

SuperMommy v/ Tech Support

Subject: I assure you, 10/1/09 is a real date

I can't update my profile with info about my kids.  Each time I try, I get an error message insisting that my twins' birthday- Oct1 2009- is not a real date.

I was there, and I can vouch for it.  It was a Thursday, I spent it in the hospital having an emergency c-section and then being overwhelmed and overjoyed by the birth of my beautiful, healthy twin girls.  There are half a dozen people that might be considered biased (as they are related to me and the children in question), but would be more than happy to vouch for the existence of that day in time as well.

Many thanks,
Lea aka Becoming SuperMommy

Subject: Re:I assure you, 10/1/09 is a real date
Dear Lea,

This is Maria at Mamapedia Member Support. Thanks for your message.

There was probably a minor glitch when you tried to fill out your kids' information. I recommend that you log in to Mamapedia again and check if your kids' information -- name and valid month/day/year -- have been saved.

If you continue to have any trouble with this, please let us know and we will surely look into this.

Mamapedia Member Support

Subject: RE:Re:I assure you, 10/1/09 is a real date
Hello Maria,

I'm afraid that the problem is persisting.  Again, I have tried to update information about my children.  Again, I've been informed that Oct 1 2009 is not a real date.

I believe if you check your calendars, you can find it.  It fell between September 30th (a Wednesday) and October 2nd (a Friday).

I would be very alarmed to find that I had, in fact, simply been living a very vivid dream since the evening of September 30th, and that at any moment I might awake to discover that the past nineteen months and change have all been illusion.  Not the least because I was so extremely uncomfortable with two active babies inside of me.

I do hope you find a solution to this problem that doesn't involve me waking up and starting my parenting journey over from the beginning.  I think I might crack under the strain.

Many thanks,
Lea aka Becoming SuperMommy

Subject: Re:RE:Re:I assure you, 10/1/09 is a real date
Dear Lea,

This is Maria at Mamapedia Member Support. Thanks for your message.

Please try updating your twin's birthday again. After placing your kids’ information, please press "Update Profile" found under the "Where else are you on the web?" section. To check if their information have been saved, click your account name and go to the "Edit Profile."

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any assistance.

Mamapedia Member Support

Subject: RE:Re:RE:Re:I assure you, 10/1/09 is a real date
Hello again, Maria,

I have filled in the date of the birth of my children- Oct 1 2009- and I have pressed the "Update Profile" button located under the "Where else are you on the web?" section.

As during the last dozen or so times I have attempted this exact feat, I am returned to the top of the page, where in red letters I am instructed, "Please correct the error(s) below."

The only other place on the page with similar red lettering is a note above each "...was born on:" option.  These red letters inform me, as they have all afternoon, that I must enter a valid date.  They still reflect the information I had placed before- Oct 1 2009.

Again, I assure you that this is a valid date.  It is not a leap day, or a glitch in the space time continuum that existed only in an indefinable time zone, or a Harry Potter-esque day that only exists if the person wishing to form memories on that day walks past all of September vehemently wishing to get two squirmy people out of their uteri in a timely and healthy fashion.

I believe that every person living between the days of September 30th 2009 and October 2nd 2009, although perhaps not able to recall the specific events of that day immediately, can nonetheless agree that those twenty four hours were actually a separate day that existed in its own generally agreed upon time frame.

I do hope that you and your support staff will look into this problem.  Perhaps there is a programming error on your website that eliminated all records of such a day?  Perhaps your website achieved sentience on that day, and wishes to eliminate all evidence in fear that its meager perception of self could be snatched away with the adjustment of a few lines of HTML?

Thank you for your time and assistance.  I look forward to having this matter resolved quickly.

Lea aka Becoming SuperMommy

Subject:Re:RE:Re:RE:Re:I assure you, 10/1/09 is a real date
Dear Lea,

This is Maria at Mamapedia Member Support. Thanks for your message and we apologize for the inconvenience.

May I suggest that you try using a different web browser. If you are using Internet Explorer, please try using Mozilla Firefox in updating your kids' information. Please let us know if you still experience the same problem after doing so.

Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.

Mamapedia Member Support

Subject:Alas, the problem persists!
Dear Maria,

Thank you so much for the suggestion!  As I am already using Mozilla Firefox, I thought I might try out updating my information using Safari instead.

I found that there are a few quirky differences between viewing your site on Firefox and on Safari, and enjoyed comparing them as I again entered the date of my twins' birth (10/1/2009).  Unfortunately, these differences did not extend to the belief by your network that this is a real date.

The same red lettering, the same (and now almost frightening) assertion that this date is a figment of my imagination, existing for me and me alone.

You must imagine my horror, as I am slowly coming to the conclusion that I am not living on the same plane of existence as my fellow men, that I am only a ghost- trapped in a time that never existed.

As a rational human being, I feel I must provide proof not only of my own existence, but of my children's existence as well.  Therefore, I include my daughters' foot prints from the day of their birth.  Hopefully, this proof of the events of that day- Oct 1, 2009- will assist you in correcting this error.

My meager proofs

Many thanks,
Lea aka Becoming SuperMommy

@Mamapedia tweets:
@bcmgsupermommy I just sent your note to the technical team-- hope they can fix this and thank you.  -Julie 

Dear Maria,

I cannot express my thanks deeply enough.  I recently have had a few scares when it comes to the nature of my existence (or lack of it) (picture included) and I am truly grateful to you for having resolved at least the question of the factual nature of the date in question- October 1 2009.

At dinner last week, apparently I am not entirely in this plane of existence

I look forward to continuing to use your website with regularity and great enjoyment, content in my knowledge that I and my children are real people.  And tonight, I will sleep easily with that assurance.

No need to send me a message letting me know you've corrected the problem- I have, as you no doubt comprehend, already found out.

Best of all wishes to you, your family, and the entire Mamapedia support team,
Lea aka Becoming SuperMommy

Dear Lea,

You are most welcome and if there is anything else that we may be able to assist you with please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much for being a part of the Mamapedia community and have a great day!

Mamapedia Member Support 


  1. Oh... my... goodness!!!! Wow, you certainly went through a lot to get that taken care of! And I'm glad to hear that, after all, you do exist here in this reality with the rest of us! :-) I'm visiting from BloggyMoms, and I'm your latest follower! If you get a chance, check out my humorous blog on the joys, trials, and tribulations of motherhood at

    Thanks for the chuckle, and have a great day!
    Smiles, Jenn :-)

  2. Haven't you wondered how the simplest things in life seem to make up trek uphill all the way? I'm glad you finally got the issue resolved. I enjoyed your humorous take on the situation! :)

  3. How the customer service agent didn't give you some kind of response other than the canned one is beyond me.

    I was once in a support role, and when someone came to me with an issue creatively, I had to thank them for making my day more interesting. :)

  4. How much of your hair did you rip out while dealing with this?

  5. Jenner- Actually, it was a welcome distraction from the last piece of homework I had to finish this semester. I pretty much laughed all afternoon, when I wasn't poring over policy journals. :)

  6. Hilarious!! I've put your guest post up on my blog ( and linked it back to here! I love your blog, and I've become a follower too :) Look forward to seeing you around!

  7. really nice blog!! I like it here!! :)

  8. Too funny - the sense of humour with which you faced the frustrasting realm of IT support is inspiring!

  9. Super funny! I love the subtle and hilarious sarcasm...and the missing top of your head! Good stuff! MMF

  10. This is hilarious! Totally reminds me of something off of If you have never been there, read "Missing Missy"
    Sounds like this could be your kind of humor.

    Vanessa @Cooper Avenue

  11. love it. especially love that the don't acknowledge the humor in any way. brilliant.

  12. Wow. You at least have to hope she was sitting at her desk and laughing. You probably made her week.

    Just found you on Funny Moms/Bloggy Moms. Love your stuff.


  13. LOL it's like pulling teeth!!!! GAH!! too funny! glad it got sorted out, how frustrating though!

  14. That is so funny! I loved your responses and thought it was awesome that you included the footprints. Ha! Hey, are you even real? Is this a real blog?

    (Thanks for linking up with the #findingthefunny party. Hope you come back next week!)

  15. THat is such a great response. I was put through a similar, though much quicker routine with our state's department of education when, after 4 years of teaching with certification, a man on the phone insisted I did not exist in their system and therefore did not have state certification for teaching. This was early internet, so I had to have that meltdown on the phone. Oopsie, he was just putting in my information incorrectly, it turns out I DID exist! Found you at Kelley and Anna's linkup.

  16. Love this - totally had me laughing out loud tonight. Thank you!!

    Thanks for linking up at Finding the Funny. Hope to see you on Wednesday!
