
August 1, 2011

Be the Match

Recently, I ran a guest post by an awesome lady called the Evolving Homemaker.  I learned something from her blog- how to get on the bone marrow registry.
How awesome is that envelope?
You see, it had been in my plans for ages.  Ages and ages and ages.  But I thought I had to *go* somewhere.  First I was waiting until I wasn't pregnant.  Then, I was waiting until my doctor got back from her maternity leave.  Then, I was waiting until I found a new doctor after my doctor decided not to go back to work.  I just kept sort of hoping somebody nearby would have a drive... I even asked around at the last blood drive I went to.  Nobody had any information.

Nobody had told me that all I had to do was to visit and order my own free kit.  It was super easy- you fill out your forms online, they send you a kit, you take your own samples, and BOOM!  You're on the list!

But surely, it can't be THAT easy, can it?

I took five, yes, five, minutes off from my studying to get my samples this afternoon.  It only took that long because I was posing for pictures.  (Many thanks to Our Mary Poppins for photographing!)

My kit came in the mail while we were away

Always read the instructions!

Preparation was simple- open this stuff

And... swab!

Putting the swabs into the kit...


Postage is pre-paid, and it's done!  Super easy!  You could even do it drunk!  (But don't.)
My accomplishments today?
Took a final exam.  (Un examen final en español!)
Did two loads of laundry.
Picked tomatoes from my garden.
Got on the National Bone Marrow registry.
Ate a sandwich.

For some reason, being on the donor registry really seems to scare people.  I don't understand why.  Yes, it probably doesn't feel too great, physically, to donate marrow.  But in reality, those sorts of donations are NOT the majority- usually it's a lot more like donating blood.  You just need to take some injected drugs for a while before you donate.  And even if a person DOES need your bone marrow?  Doesn't it feel better to know that you're saving somebody's life than it hurts to have some minor surgery?

I certainly think so.

Save a life.  Get on the registry.  Be the Match!


  1. I was on the unrelated bone marrow registry. They took me off because I have lived in the UK.I am not allowed to give blood now either. I am a very big believer in being on the list and donating blood. It doesnt cost you anything and its a easy way to save a life.

  2. I was able to get on at a blood drive. There are also people in the malls here who hand out info. I also lost a parent to Leukemia so I've been on the registry for a long time.
    I think it's great that you are now on the list to help someone.

  3. I found your blog on 20SB and I love reading it! God bless you for being on the registry wow! And I did two loads of laundry today, too! lol :)

  4. Hi! Good for you for getting on the bone marrow registry. I figure that deserved a new follower.

    Found you through Time 4 Mommy.

  5. ok i am crying. thank you. and have goose bumps all over too. my step brother is getting his stem cell transplant tomorrow. reading this today...i cannot express my gratitude.


  6. Totally awesome. I joined the registry about five years ago, when a friend of mine was diagnosed with leukemia and looking for a donor. She passed away despite having a bone marrow transplant, partially because it was not a close enough match. I have remained on the registry, and urge everyone I know to get on it, because the more donors we have, the better. Donating marrow is an easy procedure (I've been in the room while my patients have given marrow!), and not even really surgery. You go to sleep, and wake up knowing you've potentially given someone a life-saving gift!
