
August 24, 2011

Busy Busy Bee

The whole family playing around
Hello, lovely readers!

I have both excellent news, and slightly sad news.

In excellent news, I'm going to be writing for a new website!  For real writing!  As in, in exchange for monies!

I know, I know.  Please pass the smelling salts amongst yourselves.  I could hardly believe it too.  And yes, of COURSE I'll direct you to the new website and the new articles.  I'll be posting them all via Twitter.  If you don't follow me on Twitter just yet, just look directly to the right on your screen and click the happy little bird.  With random stuff that I've said.  Those are Tweets.  It's Tweeting.  I know, I couldn't think of a better name either.

At any rate, this leads me to the bad news.  I probably won't have as much time as I'd like to write here.  Never fear, lovely readers, you won't be abandoned entirely.  And if history repeats itself, I'll actually write a lot more than I really should, to the detriment of my homework.

...for my LAST YEAR OF SCHOOL!!!  You can pass those salts around again, if you need to.

Yes, school, writing for pay, and blogging for you.  Oh, and raising children.  Almost forgot that.

I'll see you all soon!  Here, or elsewhere!