
September 1, 2011

And Doggone it...

It might be a painting, but this is what I look like at this time of night.
To whom it may concern,

I know this is probably tacky and inappropriate, but I'm having one of those weeks (which, if I gave you the details for, you would sit down and eat this box of caramel filled chocolate covered toffee dusted marshmallows with me- yeah, you read that right).

I'm nominating myself.

Why?  Why would I do that?

Because I'm freakin' awesome, that's why.  Because I have weeks like THIS week, and instead of eating the whole box of super-fancy chocolate by myself, I go online and find a way to give myself a nice big pat on the back.

But aside from that.

I'm a mother of multiples- my twin girls are exactly one month shy of their second birthday.  And those terribles started early with one of them.

I'm awesome because I'm a cancer survivor, but my own almost laughable cancer story (which mostly occurred while I was pregnant, I might add) is absolutely NOTHING compared to the ongoing fight of my husband's- he was diagnosed with a very aggressive and advanced form of brain cancer the day after we got engaged.

I'm amazing because even with a family situation in that kind of stress and occasional uncertainty, BOTH of us decided to return to college.  Him to get a master's degree (when the going gets tough, the tough go to grad school) and me to finally finish my BA.  And so (and this is a big part of my bad week) I find myself in my last (and 13th) year of college, taking care of all the typical stay-at-home mommy battles of toilet training, fussy eating, and unbeatable mess monsters, advocating for my husband's health care, AND finding little ways of keeping myself feeling pretty darn good about how I'm doing as an individual with their own needs.  (See?  This email is an example.)

In addition to all of that, I am pretty darn cool because I manage to walk a really delicate line between my family and my in-laws, when *some* members of my family are VERY SERIOUS about the problem of me marring a Christian, and *some* of my in-laws are VERY SERIOUS about the problem of my husband marrying a Jew.  (What do you get when a Lutheran and a Jew have babies?  Jewtherans!)

I am deserving of recognition because I work my ass off every day trying to be the best mother, friend, wife, housekeeper (ha!), nutritionist, student, and blogger that I can be.  And in all fairness, I manage to at least three of those things well on any giving day.  Which is nothing to sneeze at.

I should be a Mom of the Month because my blog is great, and I love it.

At the very least, I deserve another box of these amazing marshmallows.

If one writes in order to essentially look themselves clearly in the mirror, this is me looking myself over and saying, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"

Thank you very much for your time and your considerations.  I'm sure that after reviewing the facts, crossing my references, and noting how particularly adorable my children are, you will have no choice but to agree with my arguments.  I totally deserve a pat on the back.

All the best,
aka Becoming SuperMommy

Who says the person I say something nice to today can't be me?


  1. So I clicked over to vote for you and couldn't figure out how to do it. I even called my sister in to ask her if I was missing something and she couldn't figure it out either. I think it must be one of those days. Afriend of mine went to where I have the featured article and left a comment but it won't come up. I'll try again later.

  2. I definitely think you have a shot at that SuperMommy title with everything you have going on! I am glad you have a sense of humor though, it is the only thing that can get us all through things sometimes.
