
May 27, 2012

Sunday Blogaround 5.27.2012

Welcome to another edition of the Sunday Blogaround!

I'm so sorry these have been scattered- as Baby X gets closer and closer, my brain seems to be, quite simply, shutting down.  I can't speak in grammatically correct sentences, I forget what I'm doing ten seconds after I start, I make all sorts of wrong turns driving up to the grocery store (FYI- that's nine blocks directly up the street I live on), and my children would be completely unbathed, unbrushed, and unfed if it wasn't for Grandmommy and Poppa picking up the slack.

But here is this week's Blogaround!  And hopefully, soon Baby X will vacate my uterus and I can go back to being a person with a fully functional brain.  :)

BWS tips button"Miracles" - The Writer Revived
This is a wonderful story.  I can't imagine the range of emotions that must have gone through this couple, and I am so, so happy for them.

"I Know Kung-Fu" - The Hossman Chronicles
Owning your home is a gigantic set of hassles.  Things break, things need to be replaced, and that's all YOUR responsibility.  Just ask me about my epic battle against the ants.  Go on, ask me.  Daddy Hoss has figured out why this is, and has encountered the secret for doing battle against one's own home.  Maybe.

Photobucket"Gettin' Our Princess On" - googiemomma
As you probably know, I loathe princess crap.  But, I love this post.  Because it is so simple, it is so sweet, and it so obviously made this one little girl unbelievably happy.  So... way to go princesses!  :)

"Pretty in Pink" - The Daddy Dialogues
Speaking of awful pink crap, Brandon of the Daddy Dialogues knows exactly what I'm talking about.  And what I mean when I say that sometimes, it doesn't matter how much you personally hate the stuff... it's just plain adorable and you can't help but melt over it.

"Saluting Shakespeare: A Study Guide" - Departing the Text
This is a great introduction to Shakespeare.  And since M and I saw an incredible performance of "Timon of Athens" for our anniversary, it's kind of close to my heart right about now.

"Sunday Secrets" - PostSecret
Secret #7.  I makes me feel so angry, so sad, so helpless, and so motivated to do something to make things different.  To all you parents reading out there, do NOT be that guy.  Do not.  You are already part of a problem that will take phenomenal effort from ALL of us to even begin to address.

"Martha Stewart Inspired Lego Ice Cream Cake" - The Spin Cycle
I loved this lady when she was the Desperate Housemommy, I love her now.  This is my favorite tutorial ever.  Evar.  Prepare to laugh your ass off.

"Shel Silverstein Tattoos.  Yes.  Please." - Diapers & Daisies
This is a lady after my own heart.  I too dream of more tattoos.  Not quite like this, but...  I LOVE them.  I LOVE the idea of literary tattoos.  And I think that these are particularly awesome.

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