
September 14, 2012

Show Some Love

I will make this face if I become a finalist.  I will make it every single week.  You have my word.
So, every once in a while I start thinking to myself, "How can I put more on my plate?"

With that in mind, I've decided to throw my hat in the ring for Blogger Idol 2012.

It just looks like too much fun, and since I've contemplated trying out for American Idol and the like time and time and time again, I thought this might be safer and less humiliating.

That said, if you tell them to let me into the finalists, as a thank you I'll post a video of my ersatz audition for American Idol.  I'll even let you choose which song I'll sing.*

That, and I'll get Aunt Genocide to send me the video of my lipsynching to "St. Theresa" from when I was fourteen, and you can laugh your ass off at that.

As a bonus, and if she agrees, I'll even add my rendition of "What Have You Done For Me Lately?" from when I was... nine years old?

Yeah.  I'll humiliate myself for you.  All you have to do is say how awesome I am.

Lie, if you must.

And if you need a reminder of how awesome I am, just click on my "Best Of" tab, and repeat to yourself, "This is the best thing ever.  This is the best thing ever.  This is the best thing ever."

Thank you.

*Song options are "Tears in Heaven," "Songbird," "Over the Moon," and "I Dreamed a Dream."   Let me know what you prefer in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. I think I Dreamed a Dream sounds like the most appropriate...we're all dreamers, right??? ;)
