
October 8, 2012

Mini-Dance Party

Well, I'm trying anyway.

Last week there weren't a lot of dance parties.  Instead, we had near constant new toy shenanigans.  Hard to get the kids excited for the dance parties when you COULD be playing with all those new birthday presents.  Or making the big castle for their birthday party.  Or building (and tearing down) a sukkah.  And, of course, there were the two days I was supposed to "take it easy" because of giving blood.  They give weird guidelines for what to do with yourself- don't exercise for two days, but just make sure you eat before you drink?  I'll never understand.

Also, SI was under the weather and didn't want to dance, RH hit another weird growth spurt...

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Long week, anyway.

This week will be better.  We'll see about meeting all those expectations we all have of these dance party videos.

But I promised a dance party every week, and so... here you go.  In honor of the coming end of the High Holy Days.

And yes, I will be writing about the girls' third birthday.

I have an awful lot to say about it.  I just want to wait until I've recovered from my cake coma.

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