
October 21, 2012

Sunday Blogaround 10.21.2012

Hello, and welcome to another blogaround!

Well, it's been quite a week in the blogosphere!

"Quidditch in the Yard" - Happy Hippie Homemaker
Okay, so Rachel may suddenly have become my role model with this idea.  My children are still too young for Harry Potter, but I hope that in a few years I can share my addiction with them.  And let's be clear- the movies?  Awful.  We will be sticking to the books 100%.  I plan to tell them that the movies are to the books what carob is to chocolate.

"The Crime Scene" - The Hossman Chronicles
Hossdad delivers another hilarious story from the Hoss family files.

"554" - the Kopp Girls
Kyle has been blogging for three years now, and the changes in his life are astounding and beautiful.  By all means, read this.

The Family Pants"The Purple Purse" - The Family Pants
Did you know it was Domestic Violence Awareness Month?  I know, Breast Cancer Awareness takes all the charitable spotlight in October, but domestic violence is no less a real and terrible problem.  This incredibly thoughtful post might help bring some of it home, and also shares a way that you can help.  I urge you to read it.

"Talking with boys about sex and masturbation: Keep Calm and Spank On!" - Moms Who Drink And Swear
I don't have boys, so I don't know if I'm ever going to be in the market for advice on this sort of conversation, but I think that Nicole did an AMAZING job!  It's funny, it's light, and she covered pretty much all the bases.  Most important, she started a dialogue that might one day make all the difference to a teenager having trouble coping with their budding sexuality.  So, kudos!  And read it!

Photobucket"a baby story" - googiemama
A lovely and thoughtful post on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day.

"Song" - Good Times Dad
This is so sweet.  My kids occasionally request "Come Sail Away."  We're those kinds of parents.

"A Tale of Two Playgrounds" - Short Fat Dictator
I know all about this problem.  I've had it myself.  There are a few playgrounds I just can't STAND to take my kids too- simply too judgmental.

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