
November 6, 2012


The best way to teach is through example.

Today, I told my kids the story of their great grandmothers, and their great great grandmothers, and how many women fought and fought and fought so that today, Mommy could march her children down the stairs and into the world to cast a ballot.

They helped me feed my ballot into the machine, and the election judges gave them each a fistful of candy.

I think they're going to remember today.  And not just because there's going to be a party with cake and friends and little edible penguins.  They'll remember helping me vote.  They'll remember all the talk about presidents, and the senate, and they'll remember helping color in the country blue and red as the results come in.
In my free-handed US map, Kansas is actually larger than California.  Hopefully they won't take that away from this experience.

...and the senate might actually have had 106 seats.  You know.  Because SuperMommy might rock at free-handing gigantic great plains states, but she sucks at counting to 100.

This is teaching by doing.  This is the real meat and potatoes of parenting.

BEING what you want your children to become.

Go out there and vote.  Vote like you mean it.

I sure as hell do.


  1. you. are AWESOME!! :)
    i'm totally taking Lovie with me after reading this.
    and, i love the new header! :)

  2. I took my daughter with me today, and plan on taking her any other time I go to the polls. In fact today was the first time I've been to a polling place since I was seven when I went with my mom. I think I'm going to make it a tradition. I am totally stealing your map idea when my Little is a bit older btw. lol :)
