
January 25, 2013

Return of the Monday Morning Post Breakfast Dance Party


November was rough, what with NaNoWriMo. And December was almost impossible, between traveling, holidays, illnesses, and catastrophes. So we've gone a little more than TWO MONTHS without really having a dance party. It's sad.

But no more! Now, I am Getting My House In Order, and that means that we can resume our dance party-ing.

On the plus side, I didn't put on any weight during the holidays. Miracle of miracles. On the down side, I don't think I've actually lost any weight dancing. But I feel better about myself, and I'm having fun staying active with the kids. It can't be bad for me, at any rate. And I do think I kind of look better.

So here it is! The return of the Dance Party!

Somebody has been maliciously flagging my blog as abusive material on Facebook. Please write to let Facebook know of this mistake. Try to post a link to Becoming SuperMommy, and when the error box comes up, click "Let us know." Then LET THEM KNOW!  Hopefully, we can get the blog back up on Facebook. Thank you.

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