
March 3, 2013

Return of the Sunday Blogaround!!!

Hello, lovely readers, and welcome back to the blogaround!

I wish I could catch you up on all the wonderful blog happenings for the last three months, but I'm afraid that would take... well... three months. So instead, let's just focus on the past week. :)

Photobucket"a whale of a... whale" - googiemama
I love googiemama! And I love this whale! SO CUTE! I think the next time I have a free afternoon (HA!) I'll be making whales for little RH. Who knows? Maybe I'll use this as an opportunity to plan her a whale-themed birthday party.  OOOOH! Actually, that's a GREAT idea!

"Boys at Play" - Short Fat Dictator
I completely get this. I also believe in close-together kids. And in getting them to play together, AWAY from you. And I also know what disasters you reap when a little time alone is what you sow.

"Gay Rights, Chicken, and Fireballs" - Something Clever 2.0
I just recently discovered this blog. This story made me laugh out loud. First of all, kudos to that mom! Way to go teaching your kids about bigotry and activism in a positive way! And second of all, this kid is HILARIOUS.

"We Found Our Son on the Subway" - The New York Times Opinion Pages
I know, not really a blog post. But probably my feel-good story of the week.

The Crafting Hobbit"6 Weeks and Counting" - The Crafting Hobbit
Now, this is something I wish I had been keeping you updated on. Irene had a preventative, bilateral masectomy six weeks ago. She found out she has a genetic market that gave her more than an 80% chance of developing an incredibly aggressive form of breast cancer. So she made the (very brave) choice to have both breasts removed before the cancer could develop. I highly suggest going to her blog and learning about the genetic mutation, and her journey through this treatment. Her bravery has been truly astounding.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out! I just popped over here to see where those referrals were coming from... Yes, the boy IS hilarious. He's honestly the funniest person I've ever met.
