
July 22, 2014

Your New Best Resource

This is a sponsored post, brought to you by MomAssembly. All opinions are my own.

When it comes to parenting, we're all jumping without a parachute. After a few weeks of sleepless nights and the terror of short car rides and possibly even triple checking to find out if that typical baby acne isn't actually measles, you come to the conclusion that like it or no, you're the authority. You're on your own.

Sure, you have some resources. Your own parents and grandparents, maybe a friend or sibling who went before you into the crazy maze of parenthood. But each child is unique. And that makes each parent unique. And sometimes, you're just... lost.

Enter MomAssembly. This is a new, incredible service. It's a veritable smorgasbord of classes, seminars, and lectures... about parenting.

There are classes on surviving the first four months, on breastfeeding, and babyproofing your home. They're 100% online, accessible on your time as you want them and in small, short seminars that you can easily fit into that nice quiet time when your wee one is watching Daniel Tiger. But so much more than teaching you the little extras you might be missing when it comes to caring for your kids, there are classes on thriving as a parent.

These are the things you might not have anyone to teach you. These are things you might be afraid to ask, but need to know.

I went through the classes for the course, "Coping with Postpartum Depression," nodding along so hard I almost gave myself whiplash. These courses are cleverly designed as a conversation between a woman with PPD, and a therapist.

Can I just say how brilliant this is? If only I'd had this resource when I was suffering through PPD after RH was born. Not only would it have made me feel so much less broken, so much more human, to see another person experiencing so much of what I was experiencing, but to put it in the context of therapy is perfect. It shows that therapy helps, that it's not frightening or embarrassing or invasive. It's both a class and also tacit permission to go out and get the help you need, a support structure, if you will.

I really can't recommend MomAssembly enough.

MomAssembly is a monthly subscription- you can take all the classes you want for $7.99 a month, or you can pay annually what amounts to $3.99 a month.

But ten of you, my lovely readers, can sign up for your first month free!

Click here, and your subscription will come with a free month of classes at MomAssembly!

Consider buying it for a friend as a baby shower gift. Consider buying it for a friend you think might be struggling. Consider buying it for a friend who calls you three times a week in the middle of the night because they're not sure the baby is latching right. And consider buying it for yourself. Between the classes on legally employing a nanny and the characteristics of gifted learners, there's something there for just about every parent of small children.

To get started, I recommend going through the Pediatric First Aid course. It's remarkably thorough, and knowing that you're prepared for your basic medical crises is an incredible comfort.

So go get started! Check out the huge assortment of classes, and sign up.

Remember, it takes a village. And MomAssembly is you virtual council of elders, ready and waiting to help you navigate the weird twists and turns of parenthood.


  1. I love how you compare new parenting as jumping out of a parachute! Yes!!! I love MomAssembly too, and think it makes such a great shower or new baby gift!!

  2. You did such a great job of explaining why MomAssembly is such a valuable resource. Love that they can be part of my "village"!

  3. What a fabulous resource! I think every parent should have a subscription as its an amazing resource to have.

  4. I'm sharing this with my mom friends, and then I'm going to sign up for the pediatric first aid course...and I don't even have kids!

  5. I love me some MomAssembly! It really does take a village.
