
December 30, 2014

Beautiful Bouqs For Every Occasion

This is a sponsored post- I was given free flowers to review, but all opinions are my own.

I was recently given the opportunity to review a bouquet of flowers from The Bouqs Company.

Because when somebody says to you, "Hey, I grow gorgeous freaking roses on the side of an active volcano," you stop what you're doing and listen.

Actually, growing them on an active volcano makes TOTAL SENSE. All that volcanic activity keeps the soil warmer, which is usually a better environment for growing flowers. It's just science. Volcanoes are flowery magic.

This video does a wonderful job of explaining what The Bouqs Co. does, so take a moment and enjoy their hilarious explanation:

So yes, I accepted a bunch of free flowers to brighten up my home.

The first thing I did was let my kids pick out the flowers. "What color roses should we get, kids?"

They each have very strong opinions on this sort of thing,

DD demanded fuchsia. SI screamed, "Yellow! Yellow! Yellow!" until our downstairs neighbors started calling to complain about the noise. RH said, "I was gween! I want gween!" and then followed that up with, "I want Care Bears!" and "I'm SUPER BATMAN! ZOOOOOOOM!"

So, hoping for a bouquet of yellow, fuchsia, and green flowers, we starting going through The Bouqs Co. website.

And we happened to find this gorgeous bouquet:

Yup. Yellow and fuchsia. And although it's hard to see in this picture, I was pretty confident the stems would be green- that should satisfy a toddler.

So I placed the order and waited to see what would happen.

The bouquet came fast, and in a long, attractive box. Inside the box? Layers upon layers of protective packaging, in arrangements I'd never seen.

Enormous bubble wrap, soft card stock, and the stems were wrapped in a sort of gel, keeping them healthfully hydrated during their trip from their volcano home.

The box even helpfully included specific instructions on how to care for our flowers. Which was nice, because although I thought I knew what to do, it was helpful to have somebody tell me exactly how much stem to trim and how.

The roses were enormous. Truly, huge roses. And they smelled heavenly.

We took our roses and sorted them into two vases- green, fuchsia and yellow in each, of course- and set them on opposite ends of the house. One in the dining room, one one the piano in the foyer.

For days, the roses brightened the whole house. But then, as flowers do, they started dying.

So I trimmed the stems, tossed the sadder roses, and recombined them into one vase again, only this room I relegated it to my own bedside table, because I'm selfish like that.

The flowers were gorgeous and colorful and made our house feel a little more summery, despite the schizophrenic weather.

I highly recommend the Bouqs flowers. They arrive in better shape and stay beautiful longer than any other florist delivery service I've tried.

Keep that in mind come Valentine's Day, lovely readers! And flower on!!!!


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