
August 19, 2012

Sunday Blogaround 8.19.12

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY M!

As all of you folks read this, I'm celebrating my husband's thirtieth birthday.  A day that, on his 25th birthday, seemed impossibly far away.  So, five years of surviving brain cancer and he's finally hit the big 3-0.

So in addition to the Blogaround, I'll also share a few of my favorite M posts.


A(n) (un)Common Family"Throwing Sand Into the Sky: Adoption Talk and Loss" - A(n) (Un)common Family
This mom is amazing.  Practically everything she writes either breaks my heart or lifts it up.  And sometimes, both.  A great read.

"Let's Talk About Sex, Baby" - Finally Mom
Need a good laugh?  Enjoy Prince?  Ever been humiliated by adolescent naiveté?  You'll enjoy this, then.  :)

Photobucket"feel free to skip this one" - googiemama
I've had a lot of this going on.  Sleeplessness, the futility of attempting to keep up with two toddlers, the heat, the humidity, the car, the lack of adult interaction... call them excuses or call them the cause, the facts are that I have been bordering on depressed for weeks.  And knowing that you're not really alone out here in the parenting darkness always helps.

"What Makes A Good Parent: Hint, It's Not Breastmilk Or Buying Organic" - Momma Data
It's amazing how hard it can be for scientists to quantify common sense.  But once in a while, they totally succeed.  And, of course, remind us how futile it really is to try to control absolutely anything about our children.  But it's nice that it supports all my basic rules of parenting. :)

"Five Dollar Friday- Inaugural Edition" - Ask Your Dad
I think this is a fantastic idea.  Honestly, even this is really hard for us to afford... but I love learning about new organizations doing good, and sometimes I do manage to convince myself I don't actually need a pint of Ben and Jerry's to be functional this week, and I can redirect those funds to somebody who needs them more than I do.  I'm looking forward to many future five dollar fridays.  :)

..and a Birthday Homage to my beloved M.  :)
My Husband, The Comedian

Remember Remember the Fifth of July

Master of the House

Pouring My Heart Out


  1. aw thanks for the shout out. :)


  2. Happy 30th birthday to M, and many, many, many more.
