March 11, 2012

Sunday Blogaround

Until I finish the button... here's my icon for the Sunday Blogaround!
Welcome to another edition of my Sunday Blogaround!  I'm still trying to think of a catchy name, so if you have any suggestions please let me know.

This week, my favorites run the gamut from drinking tales to vintage photography to breakfast.  Which is, I suppose, full circle.


The NEW Glasers- "Purim Lessons"
A brief explanation of Purim, because I didn't write my own Purim post this year.  Chag Samayach, all!

Good Time Dad - "Purim"
One man makes it his mission (or did when he was in college) to follow the Purim drinking instructions to a T.

Michelle Mossey - "The Tower of Terror"
Finding balance between parenting techniques (and parents), and a really awesome idea for those of you who want to give your crazy kids a bit of a thrill.

Googiemama - "Speculoosity"
I have never heard of this stuff.  Now it is the only thing in the universe that I want to eat.  Googiemama strikes again.

Departing the Text - "Heroes for All"
I love this post- all about good role models and heroes for your children, complete with tons of age appropriate suggestions for characters that your kids might look up to... in all the right ways.  Plus- comic books for everybody!

io9 -"'The Women of the Future' According to 1902 French Trading Cards"
This post has super cool pictures!  Apparently, Feminism was sort of a fetish of the French around the turn of the 20th century.  Yes, they're pin-ups... but in that Victorian elaborately-corseted-and-accessorized-with-giant-hats kind of way.  I particularly love the lawyer.

The Daddy Dialogues - "Hold You In My Arms"
This post made me remember the earlier days with my little girls... in all the best possible ways.  I love blogs by other twin parents, I love daddy blogs, and I just generally love Brandon's stuff.  If you haven't heard of the Daddy Dialogues, check him out.

Things I Can't Say - "My Child Would Never Do That"
We've all had hard days.  Some days are harder than others, and some days... some days we need to remember that days are hard for other people as well.  And particularly, for other parents.  A heartbreaking story.

From the Mudroom - "What I Miss. Really."
One mom of teenagers reflects on having little children.  I'm going to keep this in my thoughts as long as I can.  Hopefully, about another five years.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I just wanted to let you know that I was given the Liebster Blog award and I am passing it on to you for your great blog! You can find it here =)



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