March 25, 2012

Sunday Blogaround 3.25

Round and Round and Round we go!
This has been a great week for blogging, it seems!  I'm very happy to share a lot of good posts with you today, as you get ready to start up a new week of reading, writing, and life-living.

Let me know if you've uncovered any gems!  Feel free to post them to my facebook wall during the week, or to my account on Google+!  I would love to discover new and wonderful blogs, posts, stories, pictures... anything awesome.  And I'll be happy to credit you as a fabulous finder.  I might even start up a blog-reader hall of fame, if you rock at it as much as I think you might.


"Bald is Beautiful and Mohawks are Manly!" - The Butter Bottom Blog
Last month, this daddy blogger's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.  They're upbeat and confident, and this is a post about how they're owning the experience.  I love it.

"Six Year Old Explicit Lyrics" - Happy Hippie Homemaker
I was once asked to review a CD of children's songs. It's one of the few times that I got comments on this blog that could be construed as hate mail.  It's always wonderful to see other parents who agree with me on what is "child appropriate," or not, and who care more about good music than about content that has to do with balloons or rainbows.

"Beginnings" - Good Times Dad
Two words- freaking hilarious.

The Crafting Hobbit"When Support Groups Aren't So Supportive" - The Crafting Hobbit
The Crafting Hobbit has a son on the spectrum, and a husband on the spectrum too for that matter.  This week she was kicked out of her support group.  Why?  For asking them to treat non-special needs kids with the same consideration as her own.  Go show her some love.  She deserves it.

"An Open Dialogue" - The Kopp Girls
I know, I refer you to Kyle's blog a lot.  That's because his girls, being almost exactly the same age as my girls, do a lot of the same (or similar things).  And I absolutely can't get over reading about it from another person's perspective.  Knowing that you're loved by your kids is amazing, and watching them turn into these fully formed people... it's humbling.  And awe inspiring.  And Kyle writes about it eloquently.

"A Once Upon A Time Story" - Finally Mom
I've only recently discovered this blog, and I love it.  On top of that, I love "happily ever after" tales of toddlers and love.

"Little Hoss Brings the Zombies" - The Hossman Chronicles
If anybody ever told Daddy Hoss that they based their parenting philosophy, in any way, on HIS parenting... he'd probably have a minor heart attack.  And yet, I do.  Daddy Hoss rocks, and I'm right there with him when it comes to the vital importance of introducing your kids to Star Wars, of the possibilities of mixing glitter with household reconstruction, and protecting yourself against the inevitable zombie apocalypse.  That said, I too fear that as a result, I might be sowing the seeds of global destruction.

"Hero, Part Two" - Try Defying Gravity
This autism mom wrote earlier in the week about meeting Temple Grandin's mother.  But Eustacia Cutler wasn't the only inspiring person that she met.  In this post, she writes about a man reconnecting with his autistic brother.  In their fifties.

When Robots Reproduce
"New Mom Survival Guide: You Are Doing A Good Job" - When Robots Reproduce
I know, I know... I wrote this one.  It's part of a series that the mommy Robot is hosting on new motherhood, having just had her baby last weekend.  But I still think it was an awesome post.  :)

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much for the shout out! :) i'm honored! looking forward to checking out some others as well.



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