March 6, 2012

Very Belated Valentine's Post

I would apologize for the lateness of this post, but you know what?  I'm pregnant, and I'm having a lot of complications.  So you just pretend that I published this a month ago.  When I meant to.  Thanks.
Fun for the whole family

This year, my daughters made Valentines for all of their friends.

It was tons of fun.  I cut out paper hearts of various sizes, wrote the names for their recipients on them, and helped the girls to write their own names on the back.  Then, it was just a matter of letting them go to town with a heap of crayons.

They are *still* asking to make Valentines.  And if you've ever had a two year old, you will be impressed by the amount of time this particular activity has continued to hold interest.

"This for Daddy!"

So many crayons, so many hearts, so little time...

SI is very meticulous with her crayons.

Valentines are serious business

If I'd given her lipstick, she would have put kiss marks all over it.
One of the two sweetest girls I've ever known

The other sweetest girl I've ever known

All Valentines were mailed out, sent with all the love my little ones could give.



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