About Me

The SuperMommy Family
  • I live in Chicago, which I love, in a third floor walkup with entirely too many humans- most of whom I helped create. For the first time in my life I both have no pets and am almost completely okay with that.
  • I am a member of the RAINN Speaker's Bureau. I speak about sexual assault, rape culture, and survival. To engage me for an event, please direct queries to (becomingsupermommy@gmail.com)
  • While parenting is incredibly gratifying, and I love my children, and I love staying home with them (most days), my true passion is for writing. If you have an interest in my memoir (excerpt here) or if you would like to pay me to write elsewhere, queries can be sent to (becomingsupermommy@gmail.com)
  • I'm a lifelong vegetarian. My husband is anything but.
  • I'm paralyzingly arachnophobic.
  • I'm nearly as paralyzingly lepidopterophobic.
  • My husband is a stage IV brain cancer survivor, and I have on-again off-again melanoma.
  • I'm functionally Jewish, my husband is vaguely Lutheran, and the children are pretty much Jewtheran.
  • Writing an "About Me" is more awkward than filling out an online dating profile, so I'm just going to leave this here.


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